Dear Participants,
We’re very happy to see that you’ve all been enthusiastic about this year’s topic : ‘The changing world, new media technologies and its influence on religious & exceptional experiences’. We’ve been reading your abstract with great pleasure and can’t wait to hear you present them in Heidelberg. In this newsletter, we would give you an overview of the diversity of the participants and the submitted abstracts.
Participants :
We were glad to receive many international submissions. As to be expected Germany is well represented, followed by the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom. Not only the nationality of the participants is diverse, but also the professional background varying from priest to professor, psychologist to students and scholars in religious studies.
Topics :
We are pleasantly surprised by the broad range of topics you submitted. Some examples :
- Telephone calls from beyond the grave and the implications for counseling
- The internet as a medium of accessing medial realms
- Exceptional experiences and counseling via the Internet
- Exceptional experiences within religious societies
A kind reminder for those who haven’t filled out the online registration form please do this as soon as possible. Your application can only be completed when the form has been filled out. The registration deadline is Thursday, May 4th. Please feel free to share the conference outline with others within your network.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing you on the 26th and 27th of May in Heidelberg.
Kind regards,
Selma Hofstra (conference office)
Maaike Bloem (conference office)
Wim Kramer (Managing director)