Actualités sur les expériences exceptionnelles
> Ruth Rosenbaum, psychanalyse et phénomènes psi
> Ruth Rosenbaum, psychanalyse et phénomènes psi
Ruth Rosenbaum, Ph.D., est psychanalyste à New York City. Elle est professeure adjointe au département de psychologie clinique de l’Université Columbia, où elle enseigne notamment un cours sur la psychothérapie et la spiritualité (Plus d’infos ici).
Elle a publié en 2011 et 2012 un article et un chapitre sur les liens entre psychanalyse et phénomènes psi, présentés ci-dessous.
This paper will explore the relevance of the subject of psi phenomena to important topics in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, such as intersubjectivity, projective identification, and the integration of primary and secondary process experience …. Psi has, for the most part, been shunned as a serious topic of psychoanalytic inquiry. Upon closer examination, however, it appears to share common ground with aspects of the therapeutic bond, transference and countertransference, the intersubjective field, and integration of conscious and unconscious processes. In fact, at this critical point in the history of psychoanalysis, when the field is attempting to validate its techniques and process through evidence-based research, the search for scientific validation of psi phenomena may actually have outpaced the search for such validation of psychoanalysis. Scientific studies of psi phenomena, some of which are described here, can help to elucidate some of the more uncanny aspects of therapeutic action.
Psychoanalysis, psi phenomena (telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis), and spirituality might appear to be strange bedfellows. However, with the evolution of psychoanalytic theories of intersubjectivity and scientific studies of psi phenomena, a portrait has emerged of the kind of space within which the self exists. It is a space characterized by indistinct boundaries between self and other, a shared space, and it appears to be crucial for psychological growth and transformation. This concept of the self connecting with an « other » beyond its own localized boundaries is also the basis of spiritual experience and spiritually inspired forms of transformation, such as miracles and mystical states. In exploring the common ground shared by these overlapping territories of the self’s expansive reach, we may discover the conditions that enhance the possibilities for change and growth in psychoanalysis and, in the process, approach a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of consciousness itself.
Key-words : psi phenomena, consciousness, conscious, unconscious, intersubjective field, attunement, resonance, spiritual space.