Actualités sur les expériences exceptionnelles
> Transfert, contre-transfert et télépathie – appel à contributions
La psychologue et historienne Júlia Gyimesi est responsable d’un numéro spécial de la revue de psychanalyse Imágó Budapest (ancienne revue Thalassa) sur la thème : « Transfert, contre-transfert et télépathie ». Comme cette initiative nous paraît intéressante, nous nous faisons ici le relai de son appel à contributions.
Call for Papers : Transference, Countertransference and Telepathy
Abstract submission deadline : 30 April 2017
Manuscript submission deadline : 1 September 2017
The special issue of Imágó Budapest aims to provide an overview of the conceptual problems of transference and countertransference in the light of early and contemporary parapsychological research, western esotericism and the 19th century occult revival in general. Already in the early 1900s, several psychoanalysts – such as Sándor Ferenczi, István Hollós or Sigmund Freud – raised the possibility of extrasensory, telepathic perception in connection with transference phenomena. Although there were several efforts to interpret and rationalize the concepts of transference and countertransference within psychoanalytic theory, the debate on their “telepathic” or “occult” aspects is still not over. We welcome submissions of manuscripts that intend to research this sensitive and contradictory question taking into account the serious methodological difficulties of researching this field and the relational aspects of psychoanalysis in general.
Submissions to this special issue could include, but are not limited to, the following areas :
Historical analysis of the parapsychological interpretation of transference phenomena
Esoteric, spiritualistic, early parapsychological roots/antecedents of the concept of psychoanalytic transference
Overview of methodological and theoretical problems arising from the inaccurate differentiation of transference phenomena and extrasensory perception in and beyond psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic case studies illuminating the definitional and conceptual problems of transference phenomena
Both empirical and review/synthesis papers will be considered. Abstracts and pre-submission inquiries should be directed to Júlia Gyimesi at ju**********@gm***.com.
Special issue editor : Júlia Gyimesi PhD
Manuscripts should be submitted in English.
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the manuscript submission information of the American Psychological Association (APA) following formatting requirements and manuscript length guidelines. Submissions will undergo a blind peer review.
About the journal :
Imágó Budapest is a Hungarian-English language peer-reviewed online journal, the continuation of the journal Thalassa published between 1990 and 2010 in Hungary. As an interdisciplinary journal Imagó Budapest accepts a wide range of manuscripts on the history and current theoretical and practical developments of psychoanalysis and related areas. The title of the journal refers to the well-known psychoanalytic journal Imago founded by Otto Rank and Hanns Sachs and shares its objectives. The word “Budapest” in the title of the journal refers to the tradition of the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis and the oeuvre of Sándor Ferenczi, Géza Róheim, Imre Hermann, István Hollós, Mihály Bálint and others. The history of Hungarian and international psychoanalysis, its theoretical problems and its relation to human sciences, literature and arts are the most frequent themes of the journal.
For further information in Hungarian please visit our homepage :